Worldsensing is a new technologies company founded in 2008, based in Barcelona and London. The company employs more than 40 people worldwide.
Worldsensing’s Industrial Division holds a product portfolio including State-of-the-Art monitoring solutions and dataloggers adaptable to most commonly used sensors within the civil and geotechnical industries. All our devices have been designed to meet the requirements of the most demanding sectors, and have been implemented on many groundbreaking projects.
Loadsensing, Worldsensing’s geotechnical solution, brings true long range (up to 15 km) capabilities to the real instrumentation world, providing wireless datalogging star topology networks that may be used for data acquisition in almost any sensing application. Compatible sensors include multiple technologies (voltage, vibrating wire, 4-20mA, SDI-12, etc.) and most types of sensors (tiltmeters, load cells, extensometers, crackmeters, piezometers, water quality probes, hydrocarbon detection, etc).
Meet Worldsensing, one of the leading companies for remote monitoring applications.